Monday, May 10, 2010

Move Over Satan, Idle Hands Are Now Terrorism's Tools

The why of terrorism is a question that the media beats like a drum. Their answer to it is ever changing. In light of the most recent (and foiled) attack on American in Times Square by Faisal Shahzad who is, chillingly, a naturalized U.S. citizen, the answer of the hour seems to be boredom. Yes boys and girls, look out because idle hands and a recession mixed with a series of bad financial choices may lead you straight into the throes of terrorism.
Journalists from the AP and AOL News are now blaming banality and the dashed dreams of a parent as causes for Shahzad's downward spiral into terrorism. Eleven years ago this past spring when two violent, antisocial teens picked off classmates and teachers in a horrific school massacre, journalists pointed the finger at bullying and guns which shifted the blame off of the students themselves (and their penchant for violence) as well as their parents and onto commonplace incidents and inanimate objects. Now the media is blaming something that has happened to millions of Americans, the loss of a job, a home and money, for why Shahzad bought a SUV with cash, loaded it up with fertilizer rigged to act as an explosive and parked it in the middle of busy Times Square. Neighbors and acquaintances describe as nothing special with some animosity towards President Bush but from all accounts he did exhibit antisocial behavior.
The question remains why Immigration was unable to detect this antisocial behavior when Shahzad applied to become a citizen. There is a difference between being reticent and antisocial and trained psychologists should be able to make the distinction. I wonder how much (if any) of the citizenship process is based on psychological examination. Criminal background checks only do that, check the past. Our American Immigration sector needs to be checking past, present and future.
It sickens me that the media is using the economy and the recession as cause for acts of terrorism instead of calling evil by its name, evil. Of course it's not surprising since it took the White House and the media almost a week to actually call the Times Square attempted attack by ITS name, terrorism. It sickens me because it devalues and debases the millions of American citizens who love this country but are going through the hardest of times. Lost jobs, lost houses, lost wealth, lost lives. Living in poverty or with family/friends because of their situations. Driving thousands of miles each to a job far from their families. They're hurting, they're depressed, they are at the end of their ropes. But they say hello and smile on the street, they hug their kids, they help those around them even though they themselves need help. They put one foot in front of the other, they get up every morning, they push forward. They don't seek to blow up landmarks or public buildings. They don't want to cause mass bloodshed on innocents. They don't desire the destruction of this country. And for the media to lump Shahzad in with these hardworking and God fearing Americans is the lowest of the low. I don't often find political common sense on SNL but Amy Poehler and Seth Myers said it best on this past week's episode. Nothing in me believes that socioeconomic strife is the cause of Shahzad's terrorism but it falls in neatly with our mainstream media's Socialist agenda.

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